Embracing Grief: Ways to Honor and Navigate Emotions

Good Day My Petals, This week has been truly unforgettable. Despite facing daily challenges, I responded with grace and intention. It was a week of highs and lows: celebrating one of my closest friend's special day while grieving the loss of a man I loved deeply as they share the same birthday June 27. The …

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Embracing Happiness: Lessons from ‘The Happiness Advantage’ for Self-Care and Growth

Happiness isn’t a destination; it’s a state of mind that I’ve been exploring through reading and learning. One book that profoundly impacted me on this journey is “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor, which I stumbled upon during a visit to the public library. Its insights not only resonated with me but also guided me …

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Embracing the Law of Detachment: Find Peace and Let Go

Detachment means putting yourself first and giving your best then giving it to God. I know these day's their are so many variations of the detachment concept including the famous Let Them catch phrase. Whatever you choose to call it, I live and stand by this principle. What is the The Law of Detachment?The Law …

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Embracing Detachment for Personal Growth and Well-being

I'm an intensely passionate person when it comes to the things and people I love. Wishy-washy isn't in my vocabulary when it comes to expressing my likes and loves. While this trait has its ups and downs, I'm learning to embrace it in healthy ways when appropriate. There's a relationship in my life that I've …

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Faith, Love, and Resilience: Embracing Life’s Rollercoaster

This week has been a total rollercoaster! From crazy highs to unexpected lows, it's been a wild ride filled with all sorts of stuff – temptations, letdowns, moments of pure joy, love, and a whole lot of laughter. And let me tell you, I've been fighting off this annoying bug all week. Not sure if …

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Overcoming Anxious Attachment: Personal Tips for Healing

Welcome! Today, I'm going to share with you a few pointers that I've learned along the way. I recently discovered the importance of attachment styles, how they are formed, and how they impact our perspective moving forward. Join me as I share a few personal tips on how I am overcoming and becoming my best …

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Exploring Kensington Market: A Mexican Taco Delight in Downtown Toronto

It's Taco Tuesday on the block! I spent another amazing day with my daughter, Nyi, visiting me from the UK on her summer break. We opted to take a tour to Kensington Market like the good old times, just that this time, I am on a very healthy eating regimen (we will discuss that at …

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Traveling from Canada to Buffalo: Passport and Border Tips

Happy Sunday Funday, everyone! Today, amidst the rain in Mississauga, I had the opportunity to venture to Buffalo, NY with my friends and family. However, as I prepared this morning, I realized that my daughter's passport needed updating, which made me hesitate about crossing the USA border. Despite it being Sunday, I quickly turned to …

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Finding Peace and Joy: Embracing Friday Nights with Gratitude and Reflection

Friday nights for me at 37 are spent inside! I feel a sense of calm as the week has wrapped up. Now that I am not working I am thinking to do some exploration today. My daughter is visiting from her break at Uni in the Uk and I don't want to waste a moment! …

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